Gata! Au venit! Si inca mai vin… Precum o cascada, un torent, un val suierator. Noi? Sigur, ne-am pregatit sa-i primim, sa ne (re)cunoasca, sa duca obiceiurile noastre, traditiile peste mari si tari. Sa ne tina minte Si uite asa, cu ore bune inainte de Marea Finala (despre fotbal vorbesc, desigur), gratie zelului tipic romanesc, nu mai pot sa ies din casa ori sa ajung acasa decat daca ocolesc ditamai arealul. Urla sirenele mai ceva ca la venirea Papei, iar aseara am crezut ca intra elicopterele in bloc. Ba chiar mi s-a parut ca un copilot ne face cu ochiul noua, celor iesiti pe balcon sa simtim pala puternica de vant. Oricum zgomotul de fond a fost in fapt doar un palid preambul pentru ce va urma azi. M-au distrat si pregatirile laborioase, inclusiv plasarea noilor placutelor spre si dinspre aeroport, tarcurile (!) pentru fani si, evident, cafenelele aprovizionate cu bere speciala din aceea din care o gura daca sorbi, gata, esti Fan Romania pe veci! Eh, dar sa nu uitam pata de culoare. Brunete inalte, focoase, vopsite proaspat blond (mai, voi faceti de ras blondele naturale, cu atitudinea voastra artificiala!), cu tigara – neaparat slim ori mentolata – in manuta dreapta si cu simpaticul catelus de casa, la purtator (al carui nasuc mic se adapostea in decolteul generos al stapanei, ca o invitatie: ia uite ce cald si bine, chiar si umed e aici) si-au luat binemeritatul loc la produs, aaaa, pardon, la compus. La compus povesti despre Bucurestiul lor iubit, atat de infloritor in materie de “corazón”, mai ales la vreme de necaz cum e mai mereu in Romania. Una a spus aseara la TV ca “ar da orice sa fie cu un spaniol”. Chiar si pudelul din brate? Glumesc… Mi-a fost mila de bietii liceeni pusi sa le explice “turistilor” istoricul zonei vechi. Oooo, vorbeau si de Vlad Tepes… doar ca au fost intrerupti brusc pentru ca vizitatorii, mai sinceri si mai putin ipocriti decat noi, au spus direct: noi vrem bere!!! * Da, stiu, sunt carcotasa si nu scot in evidenta aici “avantajele, beneficiile, oportunitatile” create pentru tara mea draga, nu observ partea plina a paharului. Pai daca n-au Kriek – bere cu aroma de cirese amare, din aceea pentru sensibili, degeaba Hai ca plec, imi fac loc printre scutieri, doar e Ziua Europei (La multi ani, draga!) si tre’ sa vorbim muuuuuult si sigur fara rost. Fara legatura directa, doar cu usor iz de sezon:
miercuri, 27 iunie 2018
duminică, 17 iunie 2018
O alta leapsa sterpelita de la Ana. Ideea e sa scriu 5 lucruri care imi plac la mine si 5 lucruri care nu-mi plac. Nu-mi place ca: - imi rod unghiile - sunt impulsiva si de multe ori spun lucruri pe care dupa aceea le regret enorm - sunt extrem de dezordonata - am tendinta de a vrea sa ii schimb pe cei din jur, fara sa incerc sa ii accept asa cum sunt - de multe ori ma complac intr-o stare de amorteala, care ma impiedica sa fac lucrurile extraordinare de care stiu ca sunt in stare Imi place ca: - sunt sincera - reusesc sa ma mentin indiferenta in fata celor care ma fac sa sufar - intuiesc ceea ce simt cei din jurul meu si, daca imi este permis, reusesc sa ii fac sa treaca peste momentele de criza - sunt foarte apropiata de mama mea si asta imi da o mare incredere in mine, lucru de care am nevoie - nu pot ramane deprimata mai mult de cateva ore...
vineri, 15 iunie 2018
When visiting Romania, you need to check out the best part of it’s great capital city, in essence a session of erotic massage at Confidential. Why is this one of the greatest things you can do in the awesome city of Bucharest? Because it will allow you to completely relax, to set your mind and body free of any kind of stress, worry or problem and just have the time of your life.
Romanian women are well known for their looks and for the way in which they know exactly how to make you feel like you are a true god amongst men. This is why erotic massage parlors are so popular in this great country. These great establishments were made with one thing in mind, creating something more than a space where you can get a massage. The erotic massage parlors, like Confidential are lounges, where you can have a couple of drinks, socialize with the masseuses and other customers. You will meet a lot of new people, and you will be able to chat with women so beautiful and funny that you will feel like you will never want to leave Romania.
When it comes to Confidential, there is something truly special about this specific erotic massage parlor. IN essence, all the women working there are known for their abilities in both erotic or tantric massage and their great personalities. They will know how to listen to you, how to make you feel truly comfortable and when you get inside a room alone with them you will understand instantly that you are in the hands of true professionals.
The entire time you will spend on the massage table you will feel like you are the center of the universe. The session will start slow and romantic. Music will be played through the speakers to help you get in a relaxing mood. Scented sticks and candles will be lit just so that you can feel even more electricity in the air and the masseuse will start undressing you both slowly, calmly and with such care that you will feel that you are the love of her life.
There is nothing that can even compare to the way that you will feel once an experienced masseuse like the ones from Confidential will start massaging your every muscle while she lays naked on top of your body.
Romanian women are well known for their looks and for the way in which they know exactly how to make you feel like you are a true god amongst men. This is why erotic massage parlors are so popular in this great country. These great establishments were made with one thing in mind, creating something more than a space where you can get a massage. The erotic massage parlors, like Confidential are lounges, where you can have a couple of drinks, socialize with the masseuses and other customers. You will meet a lot of new people, and you will be able to chat with women so beautiful and funny that you will feel like you will never want to leave Romania.
When it comes to Confidential, there is something truly special about this specific erotic massage parlor. IN essence, all the women working there are known for their abilities in both erotic or tantric massage and their great personalities. They will know how to listen to you, how to make you feel truly comfortable and when you get inside a room alone with them you will understand instantly that you are in the hands of true professionals.
The entire time you will spend on the massage table you will feel like you are the center of the universe. The session will start slow and romantic. Music will be played through the speakers to help you get in a relaxing mood. Scented sticks and candles will be lit just so that you can feel even more electricity in the air and the masseuse will start undressing you both slowly, calmly and with such care that you will feel that you are the love of her life.
There is nothing that can even compare to the way that you will feel once an experienced masseuse like the ones from Confidential will start massaging your every muscle while she lays naked on top of your body.
sâmbătă, 9 iunie 2018
Am facut o mica pauza. In tumultul cotidian despre care aminteam ieri inversunat, m-am oprit sa ascult pasarile. Cata zarva, ce gurese sunt, si totusi ce placut e glasul lor pentru noi. Stateam cu ochii semi-deschisi, ca sa nu ma fure vreun peisaj, ma multumeam doar sa le ascult povestile prefacute-n tril. Una vorbea, alta-i raspundea. Poate vorbeau si ele despre noul mall si despre raioanele din care isi vor face mai tarziu provizii. Sau poate discutau despre urmatoarele calatorii si bagajele grele pe care n-aveau cum sa le mai duca. Ori poate recitau vreun vers subtil de dragoste ori doar barfeau un pic ultimele aparitii in materie de moda ale unei primaveri calde-reci, ori nesarate, ce isi lasa inca asteptata vioiciunea din candoare. Ieri, dupa furtuna, cerul era multicolor. Fulgere si tunete, in premiera-n acest an, au anuntat zgomotos mai degraba sosirea unei veri timpurii, atentionand insa asupra vremelniciei zilelor trecute, gandite-n graba mult prea calduroase. Cerul era parca violet, vanat de la ranile lasate de fulgerele infuriate, pe alocuri parea insa peticit cu mici bulgari de un albastru-viu atat de odihnitor privirilor sufletelor noastre, iar ici-colo fasii lungi de un galben-ocru cald aduceau aminte de ramasitele unui soare ce tocmai statea sa (ne) apuna. Era un cer interesant, cum nu vazusem de multa vreme, in care toate culorile si formele aduceau aminte de povesti tandre de demult. Si de un vis continuu: al curcubeului din noi ce pare ca nu-si poate reuni niciodata capetele.